Human Resources

You can find all the information about Istanbul Hospital’s human resources department and policy on this page.

Our working hours are organized within the framework of legal requirements and situations required by the job.

In our institution, the basic wage is determined according to the wage scale created by taking into account the criteria such as market comparison by position, graduation status, seniority and availability of the field to be studied, and working as 12 salaries annually.

Depending on the working hours, free breakfast, lunch, dinner and night snacks are provided in our refectory located within our institution.

In line with the “Squad Plans” made at the beginning of each year, people suitable for vacant positions are tried to be recruited from within the institution according to the qualifications of the position. If the need for vacant positions cannot be met from internal sources, external sources are used. In case of application to external sources, an announcement regarding the position is published in various career sites and / or newspapers for candidate identification. In this process, a job-specific candidate pool is created by evaluating the job applications made to the institution in person.

The technical knowledge and skills required by the position for each place in our institution are defined in the job descriptions. During the recruitment process, the existence and level of ownership of these qualifications stated in the job description are evaluated in the candidates applying for the relevant position. In addition, based on the job descriptions, experience specific to the position, foreign language knowledge, etc. features are also among the criteria considered in this process.

In the recruitment process, besides the technical knowledge and skills required by the position, the extent to which the candidates are compatible with the values, corporate culture, and competencies of Istanbul Hospital is also taken into consideration. Istanbul Hospital employees are expected to be participatory and innovative individuals who are committed to corporate culture, believe in teamwork, open to communication, care for development, durable, can work inter culturally, observe service quality, and are innovative.

As a result of the meetings, the recruitment of the candidate, who has the most suitable knowledge, skills and competencies, and which is the most suitable for the values and corporate culture of Istanbul Hospital, is recruited and the need for staff is completed by conducting the job placement process.

Competency Based Performance Management System is implemented in our institution. In Istanbul Hospital, appropriate individual performance evaluation is made for each position, taking into account the institutional competencies required by the position. The performance evaluation process consists of the self-evaluation of the employee, the employee of the department manager, and a face-to-face interview followed by feedback on the performance evaluation result.

The data obtained as a result of the evaluation realized within the scope of the Performance Management System is considered as the basic data in the implementation of wage management, career management and education management systems.

Training and development activities at Istanbul Hospital are determined based on annual training needs analysis, taking into account competencies, accreditation standards and professional requirements. Training and development plans are prepared taking into account the results from this analysis.

Training; Orientation is planned as internal and external training. Training given both in the classroom and in electronic environment are carried out theoretically and practically according to the subject. In-house training are classified as orientation training, compulsory and department-specific vocational training. Two different orientation programs are implemented by both Human Resources and the department in which we will work for all employees who are newly recruited in our institution. In the orientation program carried out by the Human Resources, it is aimed that the employee will get to know the institution closely, have information about corporate policies and common practices, and receive some basic training that facilitate the adaptation process, while the employee will learn the processes and practices specific to the department and the task in line with the guidance.

Compulsory training mainly include vocational training and orientation training that are required by employees in line with corporate policy and quality accreditation standards. The department-specific training are those planned by the department managers for the development of the employees. Outside the institution training mainly consist of competency based personal development training and also include vocational education and congresses. Apart from these, development programs are planned and carried out for future executive candidates in line with the career management system in our institution.

The purpose of the Career Management System is to enable employees to progress in the positions they can be successful in, taking into account their interests and trends. For this purpose, the employees’ performances are evaluated and the subjects and competencies that need to be developed are determined, and these issues and competencies are developed through planned training and the human resources required by the institution are created.