
Our Dermatology Doctors

Our Treatment Areas

• Acne (Pimple) Treatment
• General Hair Loss and
• Hairiness and Hair Growth Increases
• Diseases Related to Sweating (Excessive,
Regional and Scented Sweating etc.)
• Urticaria (Hives) Diagnosis and Treatment
• Ingrown Toenails, Nail Fungus and
Hair and Nail Diseases
• Dermatoallergy (Skin Prick Tests)
• Psoriasis
• Outdoors Like The Sun, Hot And Cold
Physically Originated Skin Diseases
• Congenital or Later Development
All Moles
• Skin Care and Diseases During Pregnancy
• Me and Pigmented Lesions
Identification and Tracking of Skin Cancers
• Sexually transmitted diseases,
Warts (Genital And Other Body Area)
• Skin, Hair and Nail Analysis
• Interventional Dermatology
• Infectious and Rash Skin Diseases
• Along with Psychological Problems
Skin Diseases

Detailed Information and Appointment

Give us a Call! We will be happy to contact our friendly staff with your general or medical questions.

Our Working Hours

Monday - Friday08.00 - 17:00
Saturday08.00 - 14.00